Life As A Human is a dystopian look at the world through the eyes of an ever changing character. This comic is continuously being added to as needed. 

Mostly he has not killed himself yet because he does not want his loved ones to find his dead body.

He does not want them to see his cat chewing on parts of his brain or force them to sift through his belongings that are covered with his blood

He only enjoys three hours of every day, the rest is at work, sleeping, or preparing for the inevitable. He thinks a lot about how much of a bad deal this is

He walks a lot. He finds it odd how alone someone can be when there are so many people around. He does not feel like he has much impact on his surroundings 

He wishes he could live his life in a way that would allow him to only have the same thought more then once if like the thought.

He wonders if other people think about these things as much as he does. 

So many things seem so close. 

He does not talk about his feelings because they make people upset. He does not like making people upset

He feels  like he probably needs  more sleep then he is gets on a regular bases. 

He feels like there has to be a better way to be alive. Everyone around him seems so much happier then he is

ouf, its today again.

He wishes he could live his life in a way that would allow him to only have the same thought more then once if like the thought.

When he walks he spends most of the time looking up at the sky, especially when it is dark.

He has had a lot of jobs. He has never liked any of his jobs. 

He really only drinks so that he an spend the next day hung over at work. If he is hung over enough then he can make it through the day without getting overwhelmed with anger.  

He has never made any difference in any of his jobs and never made enough money to move on.  

He finds it easy to find art in the world but hard to find art inside himself. 

He remember the exact moment that he knew he would never forgive members of his family. 

When ever people ask him how he is doing he answers honestly but he uses cryptic words to hide the truth so that people do not worry about him.

Parks seemed to have more color when he was younger. 

He wonders how this become the best option. He wonders how he can get out of it? 

He knows money does not buy happiness but it does buy food. 

He is OK with not knowing people. 

He is OK with not knowing people. 

He finds his creativity lost and his blood turns into someone else's money.  

He finds it easy to find art in the world but hard to find art inside himself. 

Some days sounds are more vivid. When he was younger this happened a lot. Now he finds he is mostly interested in getting through the work day. 

"You just have to think positively. Be Happy and find a better job. That will solve all your problems"

He feels like if he let them, his thoughts would eat him alive. 

He feels like most of his life has been at the cost of himself.

He often wonders how far he would get if he just started walking and did not stop until forced to.

He never knows how honest is too honest for art. Maybe some knives should be kept in the drawer. 

Mostly he has not killed himself yet because he does not want his loved ones to find his dead body.

He feels like he is a source for resources for the people around him but never the reciprocante. He hates this feeling because it makes him feel selfish.  This makes it easy for him to devalue and dismiss his emotions. 

He does not like the way his emotions make him feel and so he does not share them because he thinks they will make others feel that way as well. 

Dismissing his emotions is easy for him. 

It can be easy to bury ones self.